Companion app, data mining, legendary item comparisons, inventory management, item trading, community connections, lfg, and more! At risk of missing a vendor pricing guide somewhere, what are the guidelines some of you go by when determining what to price at what? Apr 22, 2024 · this guide explains how to price legendaries in your c. a. m. p's vendor machines. If you want a faster and directly to the point guide, check out my previous one: Caps per scrip pricing guide.
Update just an update since it's been mentioned a bunch. The game suggests i put stuff really cheap. Brought to you by the plan collectors and supported by fed, this is the fallout 76 plan price checker tool. Plans are an integral part of the game and completionists, traders, casual players & power gamers alike are interested in the changing market and value of plans. Our pricing tool outputs the dr and er values of different armor pieces for two material configurations: This allows you to check your piece even if you don't have the best mod unlocked. Welcome to instructions for fed76 pricing tool. Companion app, data mining, legendary item comparisons, inventory management, item trading, community connections, lfg, and more! Official guide (strategy guide | video games) prices are based on the historic sales. The prices shown are calculated using our proprietary algorithm. Historic sales data are completed sales with a buyer and a seller agreeing on a price.
Historic sales data are completed sales with a buyer and a seller agreeing on a price.
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