Limited inventory, blem m12ak now available. More questions, concerns, or problems? Click image to download the owner’s manual. Nov 23, 2020 · you can also check out the jts m12ak, actually internally similar to the ak47 and is blowback operated and can shoot any shell load between 2 3/4 and 3”. You get two 5 round mags and they make 10 and possible 20 round ones as well.
“0” is the locked position and manual operation of the bolt is required while use this setting. What port you should use depends on the type of ammunition you are shooting. Feb 4, 2021 · it genuinely needs modifications if you’d like to shoot low power rounds. I only run buck shot in gas setting 2 and 3 with slugs. Sometimes 2 on the gas setting with slugs. But this gun requires high power rounds for the gas. Apr 10, 2020 · i understand the jts has a deep mag well like vepr 12 but it uses saiga magazines, and the promag's saiga drum will not fit because the mag well is too deep. However i see that sgm made a 25 rounds drum with longer tower, does anyone know if it fits into a jts? Feb 12, 2022 · we have shipped thousands of the jts m12ak shotguns and really not had many issues given the volume shipped. That being said there are ton of mag fed shotgun options on the market right now and it pays to do your homework. Here's how it turned out. Jts controls every step of production, from the drawing board to the drawing of a bead. Home defense, competition, and hunting shotguns at a painless price point. We have designed and manufactured high quality shotguns, airguns, and precision optics since 1992.
Here's how it turned out. Jts controls every step of production, from the drawing board to the drawing of a bead. Home defense, competition, and hunting shotguns at a painless price point. We have designed and manufactured high quality shotguns, airguns, and precision optics since 1992.
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