Oct 19, 2013 · my standard 357 load, unique 7. 5 1250 fps, 158 swc with chex, cci sp primer (not mag). It is a good load and very accurate in my 8 3/8 sw 28. Always start at 10% less unique, my lot is 10 years old. Oct 26, 2016 · 4. 5 grains of unique makes a nice target load for the. 357 mag with 158 grain boolet. Download the pdf file for the 357 magnum reloading data from speer bullets.
Jan 4, 2019 · learn how to handload the. 357 magnum cartridge with the latest components and tips from the author's experience. Compare different bullet weights, propellants, primers, and brass for optimal performance and accuracy. Jun 29, 2012 · i am going to be loading some. 357 magnum rounds. The general consensus is 7. 0gr of unique behind the 158gr bullet would be a good magnum round. Runs about 1082fps out of 6 1/2 barrel. Perfect for my purposes and is accurate (in my. 357s). Find published manufacturer loading data for. 357 magnum pistol and rifle loads with various bullet weights, powders, primers and cases. Compare velocities, pressures and sources for different recipes. Jun 17, 2020 · i have consulted several load manuals for 357 mag loads using 158gr berry's plated rn using unique. I saw that lyman 49 and 50 have a load using unique starting from 6. 4 to 8. 3gr. I loaded up some test loads about 20 of them that is using 7. 5gr of unique to a. Find load data for. 357 magnum pistol cartridge with various bullet weights and powders. See maximum and recommended charges, velocities and notes for each load. Apr 5, 2020 · one of my most accurate 357 magnum loads using circa 2001 alliant data uses a cast 158 gr swc and 6. 5 grs of unique. Sadly, probably because of using softer lead, no current manual loads are suggested over 6. 0 grs with unique using 158 gr lead bullet in 357 magnum.
I loaded up some test loads about 20 of them that is using 7. 5gr of unique to a. Find load data for. 357 magnum pistol cartridge with various bullet weights and powders. See maximum and recommended charges, velocities and notes for each load. Apr 5, 2020 · one of my most accurate 357 magnum loads using circa 2001 alliant data uses a cast 158 gr swc and 6. 5 grs of unique. Sadly, probably because of using softer lead, no current manual loads are suggested over 6. 0 grs with unique using 158 gr lead bullet in 357 magnum.
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