Freightliner engine (mid, pid, sid, fmi) fault codes list. Freightliner service repair manuals pdf; Get to know your freightliner truck by accessing our driver and maintenance manuals, your source for technical and operational information by model. Mar 31, 2023 · they have created their own fault code list to make sure their products can be repaired correctly. In this article, you will find the complete list of freightliner pid, mid, and sid fault codes to make your repair life simpler.
It includes 101 fault codes with descriptions of what each fault indicates and the possible failure mode indicators (fmi). Every diagnostic trouble code (dtc) found will have an fmi. This code is set by the ecm detecting various problems such as too high voltage, under voltage, incorrect resistance, etc. So, here is a list of possible fmi values: 0 = data valid but. Gps location data, fault codes, and other technical data may be recorded. This data may help provide a better understanding of the circumstances of a crash. Personal data such as name, gender, and age are not recorded. Your freightliner dealership has the qualified technicians and equipment to perform this maintenance for you. they can also set up a scheduled maintenance program tailored specifically to your needs.
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